Our Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible – from cover to cover!
It is God's accurate, authoritative word that is relevant to our lives today and forever.
We believe in God – the creator of all things!
He's the only true God and exists in three persons: a loving Father, a saving Son and a life-changing Holy Spirit.
We believe that God loves the human race!
Each person is created uniquely and created to enjoy God eternally. He is not willing that any person should miss this eternal delight.
We believe that sin is man's big problem!
It is the disease that has blinded us to the reality of a God who truly loves us. It is the brokenness that has set us off seeking meaning to life without God.
We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, is the answer!
Although fully God, He lived a life as a human being without any sin. He took all our sin upon Himself and suffered the death penalty for us. Once our sin had been fully paid for, God raised Him from the dead and He lives forever.
We believe that God's grace toward us saves us totally!
Grace is God's unconditional and unmerited favour toward us, through Jesus. God's grace accepts us, forgives us, raises us up and adopts us.
We believe that baptism in water is powerful!
It breaks the power of the old sinful world to dominate us and declares that we have a brand new life through what Jesus has done for us.
We believe that every Christian should be full of the Holy Spirit!
Set free through the baptism of the Spirit and empowered through continual in-fillings of His life and power.
We believe in God's great family the Church!
Every Christian should be an active member of a loving church for the Church is the very body of Christ on earth today.
We believe in the transformed life!
Through a humble, hungry and faith-filled attitude, every believer can live at the very centre of God's unique plan, blessing and destiny for their lives.
We believe in God's great mission – to save the world and reign over the earth!
God's mission is our commission – to preach, baptise, heal and make disciples of all the nations.
We believe in life after death!
God's grace and our acceptance of it assures us of eternal life in His presence. Rejecting the grace of God breaks God's heart, for a Christ-less life leads to a Christ-less eternity.
We believe that Jesus is returning as King!
His return coincides with the resurrection of all who have died with overcoming faith in Christ, and it ushers in His glorious kingdom reign on earth. Today God is calling believers to a victorious life, and to reign with Him eternally.